There are 03 different projects (BA, GO, MG) which have 18 mining rights and totaling an area of approximately 20,308 hectares.
All projects aim to meet the growing demand for quality limestone, mainly used in the cement industry, lime, fertilizer and soil amendment.
Malhada (BA)Montalvânia (MG)Niquelândia (GO)
Malhada - 500 million tons of calcitic limestone(CaO>85%)Montalvânia - 1,2 billion tons of calcitic limestone (CaO>94%) + 115 million tons of high-quality limestone (CaO>98%)Niquelândia - 120 million tons of domilitic limestone (MgO>10%)
Strategic locations for supply in the southeast, northeast and Midwest.
In progress. Area outside of conservation/preservation units.